Duties and Responsibilities of Audit Committee 

The Audit Committee conducts their job and responsibilities pursuant to the Audit Committe Charter arranged in accordance with OJK Regulation No. IX.I.5 the Attachment of Chairman of Bapepam-LK’s Decision Letter No Kep-643/BL/2012 dated December 7, 2012 on the Formation and Work Guidelines of the Audit Committee. The Audit Committe Charter is a directive document for the Audit Committee to conduct its duties and responsibilities in an efficient, effective, transparent and accountable manner to be acknowledged by the parties with concern and in compliance with the prevailing laws and regulations. The Audit Committee Charter is reviewed periodically.

 Duties and responsibilities of the Audit Committee is to assist Board of Commissioners in carrying out its supervisory function, especially in term of:

  1. Examining and reviewing the Company’s financial reports prior to its submission to OJK, BEI or public;
  2. Checking the accounting policies to ensure the Company’s adherence to the prevailing laws,regulations and accounting standard;
  3. Reviewing the Company’s adherence to capital market regulations and other laws related to the Company’s business;
  4. Preparing the audit committee’s annual report on the activities that have been carried out, to be submitted to the Board of Commissioners.

 Term of Office 

The Company’s Audit Committee as of August 28, 2020 with composition as follows:

  1. Dr. Ir.Mohammad Hamsal (Chairman and Independent Commissioner)
  2. Jimmy Cakranegara (Member – Independent Professional)
  3. Tonny (Member – Independent Professional)

 Remuneration of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors

 In accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association article 14 paragraph 6 on the policy to determine the remuneration of the Board of Commissioners and article 11 paragraph 6 on the the policy to determine the remuneration of the Board of Directors would be determined by the AGMS.
